Henffych Iesu'r Duw tragwyddol
Wele Iesu'r Duw tragwyddol

(Mawl i Grist)
Henffych, Iesu,'r Duw tragwyddol,
  Gwir a sanctaidd berffaith ddyn!
Dwy ryw natur mewn un person -
  Syndod nefoedd fawr ei hun!
A phob natur a phriodoledd
  Etto'n hollol gadw'i lle,
Dyndod heb gymmysgu â Duwdod -
  Priod f'enaid byth yw e'.

Ti yn unig ydwy'n addef
  Yn llawn deilwng o fy mryd;
Ti yn unig ydyw gwrthddrych
  Fy serchiadau oll i gyd;
Dan dy aden rasol, dyner,
  Trwy dy ddioddefiadau maith,
Rwyf yn disgwyl yn ddiangol
  Hyfryd gyrhaedd pen fy nhaith.

             - - - - -

Henffych Iesu'r Duw tragwyddol,
  Gwir a sanctaidd berffaith ddyn!
Dwy ryw natur mewn un Person,
  Syndod nefoedd fawr ei hun!
A phob natur a phriodoledd
  Eto'n hollol gadw'u lle,
Dyndod heb gymysgu â Duwdod -
  Prïod f'enaid byth yw E.

Yma boed fy mwyd a'm dïod,
  Tan gangenau gwych y pren.
Sydd â'i wreiddyn ar y daear,
  A'i frigau yn y nefoedd wèn:
Dyn a'r Duwdod ynddo'n trigo;
  Ffrwythau arno'n tyfu'n llawn;
Cysgod tano i'r ffyddloniaid
  Sydd o fore hyd brydnawn.

Nerth, os caf,
    mi frysiaf mwyach
  Fynu tua 'ngwlad fy hun,
Lle mae'm Nuw yn gwisgo'n berffaith
  Mewn gogoniant natur dyn:
Na enwer imi'n gartref bellach,
  Fangre arall ond y ne';
Neb yn Dad, na neb yn Brïod,
  Neb yn Arglwydd ond Efe.

            - - - - -
(Rhyfeddodau Person Crist)
Wele Iesu'r Duw tragwyddol,
  Gwir a sanctaidd berffaith ddyn,
Dwy ryw natur mewn un person,
  Syndod nefoedd fawr ei hun!
A phob natur a phriodoledd
  Etto'n hollol gadw'u lle,
Dyndod heb gymysgu â Duwdod; -
  Priod f'enaid byth yw E'.

Holl angylion nef gwmpasog,
  Sydd o nifer gwlith y wawr,
Pe ba'i 'u tegwch a'u rhinweddau
  Oll mewn un rhyw angel mawr;
Tywyllai'i harddwch mewn mynydyn,
  Toddai'i ddoniau maith yn un,
Wrth ymddangos y gymharu
  A fy Nuw yn natur dyn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Gaerwen (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Ledforth (Johann Rosenmüller 1615-84)

  Clywaf lais gan bob rhyw raddau
  Fy enaid hed tu a'th etifeddiaeth
  Llawen wyf fi fod dy hanfod
  Nid fy nef yw ar y ddaear
  O foreu-ddydd y briodas
  Wyneb siriol fy anwylyd
  Y mae'r oriau yn fy ngalw

(Praise to Christ)
Hail, Jesus, the eternal God,
  True and holy perfect man!
Two kinds of nature in one person -
  The surprise of great heaven itself!
And each nature and attribute
  Still wholly keeping its place,
Humanity without mixing with Divinity -
  The Spouse of my soul forever is he.

Thou alone art owning
  Fully worthy of my attention;
Thou alone art the object
  Of all my affections altogether;
Under thy gracious, tender wing,
  Throughout thy extensive sufferings,
I am awaiting safely
  The delightful reaching of my destination.

               - - - - -

Hail Jesus the eternal God,
  True and holy perfect man!
Two kinds of nature in one Person,
  The surprise of great heaven itself!
And every nature and attribute
  Still wholly keeping its place,
Humanity without mixing with Divinity -
  The Spouse of my soul forever is He.

Here let my food and my drink be,
  Under the excellent branches of the tree.
Which has its roots on the earth,
  And its twigs in the bright heavens:
Man and the Godhead in it dwelling;
  Fruits upon it growing fully;
Shade under it for the faithful
  Which is from morning until afternoon.

Strength, if I get,
    I shall hurry henceforth
  Up towards my own land,
Where my God is clothed perfectly
  In the glory of the nature of man:
Not to be named for me as a home any more,
  Is any premises but heaven;
No-one as Father, nor anyone as Spouse,
  No-one as Lord but He.

                 - - - - -
(The Wonders of the Person of Christ)
See Jesus, the eternal God,
  A true and holy, perfect man,
Two kinds of nature in one person,
  The surprise of great heaven itself!
And all natures and attributes
 Still wholly keeping their place,
Manhood without mixing with Godhood; -
  Spouse of my soul forever is He.

All the angels of heaven encompassing,
  Are numerous as the dew of dawn,
If their fairness and their virtues were
  All in one kind of great angel;
Their beauty would darken in a minute,
  Their vast gifts would melt as one,
At the appearance of the comparing
  With my God in the nature of man.
tr. 2015,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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